Always consult your intuition/ inner guidance

Thought: have you ever been in a situation when you had a hunch that you were doing something that was not for your higher good? For example, the other day I was in a phone store deciding if I wanted to buy a hotspot adapter for my IPad, Laptop etc. Though I was feeling uncertain, I found myself in line to talk with the sales person about purchasing one. It was costly but even more bothering - it was another 2 year contract and my intuition was screaming to walk away. My instincts were so strong that I left the store.
The amazing part: 20 minutes later an employee for the Apple Store showed me that my phone can be tethered and used as a hotspot at a fraction of the price. Intuition/Inner Guidance?
Affirmation: I trust myself and my intuition. All the answers I need to anything in life can be found within me if I ask for guidance and act on it.

Sister? You got your light on?

Thought: Just like everything else, the inner light needs nourishment. The soul's light is fueled by our love of self, life and existence. How do we keep our light bright? Conscious living ~  taking time to meditate, appreciate and activate our inner love of self and the life we live.

Affirmation: The Doll's Creed
I am strong
I  am beautiful
I am the force behind my love for life
Whatever I think I am ~ I am
This is my day and I will live it with no regrets
                          ~ ♥ ~

Today's Working Woman

Thought: What is it like to be a Woman in the work force today?
The women today seldom stop everything once their paid job is completed for the day. In this
 "super-society" the clock actually ticks louder before and after the time card has been punched, i.e.children, community, church, household duties, and maybe a personal maintenance item or two.
Remember the commercial, "Bring home the bacon ~ fry it up in the pan". 
The point: you and only you make your schedule for the day. Don't forget to put YOU on the to~do list!
Affirmation: I am a beautiful, smart and strong woman ~ I will take care of myself by scheduling ME on the list of things that need taken care of  each day.

Thought: Living Life through a child's eyes.

Thought: Living Life through a child's eyes.
When you're in a room filled with children, ever notice how content they are with the smallest things? The butterfly outside the window, the music coming out of their toy, or the wonderment of mixing colors to create a new picture for the refrigerator?
As adults, we often forget to stop and and marvel at the small things in life. Our thoughts whirling around about the big responsibilities we carry or how we can squeeze in one more phone call to the client that is ever so needy. Always thinking, "I will get to my wants and needs later".
Affirmation: Slowing down is mandatory in my life. It helps me be present when interacting with family, friends and especially me.
I will take the time to admire all the rainbows set in front of me

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