Living Dolls Inc. celebrates "Women in Business"
Do you or someone you know have the entrepreneurial spirit?
Would you like us to feature you and your business?
We are seeking women that have "taken their leap of faith" into doing something they love ♥
The process ~ we will publish, (after your permission), your interview here on our page and in our blog.
You will also be invited to join our panel "Doll's at the shop - talk" of which is filmed and recorded for future publication on radio and other media sources.

Leave a message here or email us ~

Walk the Walk ~

Leaving your footprint happens ~ planned or otherwise. 
It is up to you to plant your greatest step and leave a trail of good behind.

My tuition guides my actions.
 I walk my walk with pride and promise. 
I have no regrets.

Health ~ Your choice!

 I find it amazing that with all the choices we have at our fingertips, we rarely pick the healthiness path when it comes to diet.
We, (LDI), have recently been studying the power of super foods. We have found out first-hand that the energy, skin tone, and attitude while on this regular diet is amazing.
Here is a good shopping list of  super food choices~

Affirmation: Everyday I become healthier and more joyful.

A new beginning ~

Thought: "A new baby is like the beginning of all things, hope, a dream of possibilities.
Congratulations Donna Downing on your new Grand-baby! 

*Donna is one of our writers here at LDI ~ 
Hopefully she will write about the thrill of the first grandchild soon ♥

Thoughts of Life's obstacles ~

 Everyday we are faced with challenges ~
Some more important than others, it's part of life. 
The beauty of who we are is shown in the way we handle these disappointments. 
Take them as the milestones along the path of your personal journey ~
 it's all in the lesson.

I will continue to seek my highest good  ~
no matter the obstacle, (or lesson), laid before me.
 My life is in my hands and I am filled with a spirit greater than any milestone ♥

Summer bucket list ~

What's on your list for the summer?
 Family, Chores, BBQ's, Friends, Organization, 
Laughter, Hobbies, Movies, Love, Spiritual Growth, Relaxation. Travel?

Need a boost to start your list? Here are 50 ideas for summer ~

Affirmation: I constantly work towards creating my "Best Life".
 This summer will be filled with all that helps me blossom into the beautiful woman that I am.

~ It's my heart ♥

 Feel it ~ Learn it ~ Live it

I will keep my heart open.. 
My heart is filled with love for others.
I cannot control how others feel but I can control how I react.
I am my heart's keeper.

Life moving forward ~

 When life becomes full of worry about things that have happened in the past ~
Reflect on this: 
"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading your last one"

Affirmation: I am moving forward in my life by making every day a personal victory filled with education, love and laughter.
* It is up to me to be the woman I'm proud of.

Going National ~

Living Dolls Inc speaking with women in Washington DC tonight! 
It was fabulous working with WCR - talk about a forward thinking organization !

A Doll's creed ~

 I am strong.
 I am beautiful.
 I am the force behind my love for life.
 Whatever I think I am ~ I am.
This is my day and I will live it with no regrets.

The "aha" moment

Have you ever had that "aha" moment in your life and it changed your course completely? It could have been an event, or something you read, or influence by others, or it may have been a craving rising from deep in your soul.
Aha: you are in control of self-change.

Affirmation: I hold the power of my future.
Starting today I will study me and live life to my fullest.

It is an amazing awaking ~

 ~ an epiphany if you will, the day you realize than in this life, 
                                                                        you can be a passenger or the driver.

Life: LIVE IT ♥

Wise words from Sandra Bullock

~ What fills your dress?

Over the years I have learned that what is important in a dress is the woman who is wearing it. 
 ~ Yves Saint Laurent

The one little thing ~

The great motivators often speak of changing that one little thing in our life that will make the biggest difference over time. For example; financials, weight, habits, beliefs, expectations, routines, and lifestyles. If you wake up day after day with regrets over the way life is going, perhaps it's time to make changes.
Affirmation: I am strong and full of love for myself ~ enough love to take the small steps toward my future. I have the power to create positive change in my life.

Words to ponder ~

 "When we heal ourselves, others are healed. When we nurture our dreams, we give birth to the dreams of humankind. When we speak the Truth from our healed hearts, we allow life abundant to continue on our Mother Planet." ~Jami Sams♥

Spring ~

 What a wonderful change after the long winter. Just like the budding flowers,we are waking from a dark hibernation of sorts.
Now that we've rested: It's time to "Live Life to the Fullest"!

I am awake and filled with renewed energy, it's up to me to live each day fully while nurturing my body, mind and soul. Starting today...I will _________________.

It's all a mind~set

Sunday ~

A day of thanks, thought, and rejuvenation.
Thought: Focus on what you contribute to your world ~ is it positive, healthy, happy? 
Do you make others feel the way you need to feel to be whole?
Affirmation: I share my spirit with love and excitement ~ which in turns fill my soul with love and excitement.

For my Daughter Karma ~

Adopted Doll Prayer

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