Necessary but troublesome. When it's bill paying time, create an
atmosphere conducive to feeling calm and clear headed.
Let's face it ~ it's stressful! Try these tips.....
1. Organize you bills. Give them their own space, a trendy box for your desk or a hanging folder that matches your interior.
2. Create an excel spread sheet that list your account numbers, passwords, average amount due, address - phone - due date.
3. Pay bills twice a month. Sit down and go over your financial status in two sessions. Focus only on what's due in that half.
4. Keep a checkbook register. If you use debit card or checks, keep track by balancing your check book at least once a month.
5. Atmosphere: Keep it light. Turn off the TV. Play calming music, sip
tea and basically treat yourself with care so the stress is eliminated
as much as possible.
Finally: keep the vision that your future will
be all that you want it to be. This is just a milestone that we are all
going through together♥