Declaring your project/Creating the life you love

Now that you have done some interior research, it's time to take these thoughts and write down the project that you would like to launch. Call it "My Project". Even if you aren't sure about what you want, take a stab and write as much as you can. Try not to get hung up on the details, (they will come later), just write from your heart.

Your project is merely a starting point. Recognize that with the input of others, and your experiences your project will grow, change, and evolve. In each of the following posts you will rewrite your project, shaping it into what it will become. Projects are dynamic and these are yours. Take ownership and control of your dreams and get ready to begin 
 "Living Your Life to the Fullest"

Project examples: Work from home and design clothes - become a fitness trainer and travel the world on cruise ships - find that life partner you have dreamed about - own a boutique graphic design firm - event planning company - continue to work your regular job and develop your interest in photography or any talent that needs your attention to flourish.

Getting Started
     . Write it down. Create your first draft of your dream project
                   Dream, Imagine, visualize.
                   Create the biggest picture possible for you and your project.
                   The Bigger you Dream the Higher you Fly
                    Embrace your Resistance
                    If you get Stuck - take a break
                    Get passionate about it and don't give up

Congratulations! This is a huge step that will lead you to "Living your Life to the Fullest". As we all know, in life anything worth while is not a quick fix and that applies to this project. Take it slow. Write your hopes and dreams today. Reread them tomorrow. Rewrite on the third day. Speak them out loud on the fourth and by the fifth day you should have your thoughts ready to expand on. 

Note: watch for continued coaching on this project - Creating the life you love


Shame is a learned response.There is a lot of interest in shame these days in relation to addition and recovery of addictions. When we start feeling shameful, we leave ourselves and operate much like someone on drugs or alcohol Nothing clear can get in. Nothing clear can come out.

It is important to remember that shame is learned and that anything that is learned can be unlearned. Shame was used to control us when we were younger, and now we often use it to control others. When we start feeling ashamed, no new information can come in , we cannot process information clearly, and we cannot communicate clearly. We are in our addictive disease.

It is important to see the role shame has played in our lives. It is also important not to stay stuck in it.

* this article was found posted by Anne Wilson Schaef

Eat, Pray, Love

  The grand opening of the movie - Eat, Pray, Love was last night. The Living Dolls Inc. site has been promoting this event for months and I must say it was worth it. The theater was filled with (mostly) women that included several of the "Dolls" that write and comment on our FB fan page.It was a fun event filled with comfort that only sisters can provide.
The movie: once I moved past the chopping of the book, I was thrilled to see the characters come to life before my eyes on the big screen. This is a book that I have read, dogeared, reread and discussed at length with my sisters and written about on Living Dolls Inc many times.  As you might imagine, I couldn't wait to meet Liz. Actually,  I didn't like Julia Roberts right off the bat - she was great but she just wasn't the Liz that lived in my heart. She definitely grew on me as did the  rest of the characters and by the end of the movie I adored each and everyone of them.

The point I want to make:  the topics addressed here are very deep and personal to each and everyone of us. I don't mean to say that everyone of us has the same issues in life but we all have the same emotional make up. The book makes us realize that if we don't do something to insure that we live our life to the fullest - it will just go on and eventually end without ever knowing who we are - how we feel - or what we love and why. The question - can you handle the truth when you see it?

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