"Posts" a collection of Doll Thoughts


Living Dolls Inc. Living Doll's Inc is a company created for women that want help changing their lives from "must do" to "want to do". We are a motivational, inspirational, and rejuvenating group that focuses on you through incubators, seminars, coaching and providing an environment that will help you LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

January 8, 2010 at 6:24pm


Living Dolls Inc. ‎"Doll Face, it’s up to you to live your life to its full capacity. If you cannot do it alone then Living Dolls Inc. well help you get there." JOIN US TODAY and live your life to the fullest!

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Don't take yourself and your life too seriously and forget that life was meant to be a great adventure to be lived fully. Affirmation:" I embrace each day with enthusiasm and a joy of life. I laugh my way to enlightenment."

March 4, 2010 at 6:11am

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Being Childlike - Yound children are the greatest teachers of how to live great adventure and how to choose an attitude of positive thinking. Affirmation: I choose to see everything in my life today as though it was for the first time and let my inner child come out and play.

March 5, 2010 at 6:47am


Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Have you ever failed at anything? Have you forgiven yourself and learned from it? There are no failures - just experiences and your reactions to them.” Affirmation: I will move forward in my life and accept all experiences as personal growth.

April 6, 2010 at 8:47am

Living Dolls Inc. Today’s Thought: Feeling Trapped. While life marches on at its high speed we often look up to realize that our situations have no choice left and feel completely trapped.It could just be attitude that is blocking your path. Affirmation: I will re-evaluate my situation while letting my heart lead my way. I am strong an...d there is no situation that I cannot make the choice to make my life happier and better.

April 7, 2010 at 8:59am

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Sleepless Nights! If you can't sleep at night there must be a reason. Are you taking the time to take care of yourself? Working out or walking? Eating right? Staying too stressed because you aren't loving yourself to keep focused on your life goals? Affirmation: Starting today I will take the time to make sure that my body and mind get the rest that is required to run my life in a life loving manner.

April 8, 2010 at 7:27am

Living Dolls Inc. On Self-Knowledge Kahlil Gibran
Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.
But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.
You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.
You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.
And it is well you should.
The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;
And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.
But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;
And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.
For self is a sea boundless and measureless...

Living Dolls Inc. Today's thought: Gratitude Attitude. It is so easy to wake up with and carry all day the heavy thoughts on your life's short comings. Imagine how light your steps would be if you only carried the things you are grateful for! Affirmation “I am thankful for my blessings. I focus on the good things in my life thereby giving them power to grow and multiply.”

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Acceptance/Honesty. Have you noticed that you can bounce from feeling Worthless to being the Queen of everything? These two feelings are related as they are both illusions. It is easy to forget who you really are. Affirmation: Today I will choose not to be grandiose about my shortcomings or my capabilities. I can be me.

Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: A friend said to me -"We know how to do the work. We know about suffering sacrifice to do the hard work. What we don't know is the joy or how to have fun." While you ponder on this thought try to remember what it is that fills your heart with joy and laughter. Affirmation: Today I will make a list of the ...things that in the past filled me with joy and will take responsibility for my daily fun.

Living Dolls Inc. Question: should women act differently then men when it comes to romantic involvement? Take "one night stand" for example. Is it more morally wrong for a woman than a man? Should a woman always act under the pretense of planning marriage? How far have women come in this category?

April 23, 2010 at 7:03am

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Live the life you imagine. If you don't like the way your life is going, change your thoughts add visions and focus on those positive things you want to create in your life. Affirmation: I am healthy, wealthy, happy and peaceful because I see myself being this way.

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought as stated by Lauren Bacall ..... If goodness is its own reward, shouldn't we get a little something for being naughty? Affirmation: Today I will take the time to see the humor in the little things - it's all fun - it's all a choice to have fun.


Living Dolls Inc. “There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” —Nelson Mandela
(1918-); Former President Of South Africa


Living Dolls Inc. Doll thought: The economy has treated some better than others – when you find yourself in a mix of friends going on a trip or out to dinner, be aware of the other’s situation. It is embarrassing for the less fortunate to have to deal with explaining why they cannot go to the designer restaurants, stores or clubs. Affirmation: I will take the time to listen to the people around me and choose to share my time with them in a manner comfortable to all.

Living Dolls Inc. Doll thought: What you think and say determines your personal power. If you express negativity often enough, your mind will believe it as truth. Keep your self-talk positive and loving - remember you are your first love. Affirmation: My internal voice gives me reason to believe in myself.

Living Dolls Inc. Today’s thought: Conflict. Do you keep your thoughts and beliefs to yourself because you are afraid to rock the boat? Is it easier for you to avoid conflict? If you don’t express your wants and needs, you give all your personal power to those around you. Stop. Take back your life. Live fully through self expression. Affirmation: I am strong enough to express my own wants and needs.


Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: "Amid plenitude and choice, you have more opportunity than ever to become who you want to be." Everyone started somewhere - Costco, Google, Oprah, you! Affirmation: It is within me to create a life that will fulfill me financially, mentally, and spiritually.


Living Dolls Inc. ‎"Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. Live it to the fullest while filling your heart with love, happiness and joy..." Darling Mora

Living Dolls Inc. Time: It just sort of creeps up on you – when you least expect it - a couple of years have passed, a child has grown up or your pets have gotten old. Funny isn’t it how we humans don’t really feel it, we just notice it in others. I know that every time I realize my age, I am surprised! My heart is young – my perspective is young too. This creates my spin on life-youthful, happy and living.

May 16, 2010 at 4:45pm


Living Dolls Inc. Today's thought: Friendship. Most of us have many friends that we have collected throughout our lives. They are all different and may not care for each other, but, to us each one is a treasure. As we grow up, we have a tendency to let the friends sit on the side while we attend to important tasks like raising children ...or building a career. Just remember the love doesn't die it just needs to be rekindled. Affirmation: My friends are an important part of who I am and I will treat them with great importance.

Living Dolls Inc. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical...quote from Sophia Loren. It's amazing that she is over 70 years old and still has her physical beauty. We can take a page from her playbook and take great care of our physical self but more importantly nurturing our interior beauty! Love your Sunday Dolls!


Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Comfort. Do you take the time to comfort those in need? It could be a friend with a hardship or a mother that is getting old. When you walk your path do you see those that need something as simple as a smile? Affirmation: I send compassionate thought and healing loving energy to those in need.


Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought:"Life was meant to be lived and curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life." - Eleanor Roosevelt. There is an intimate link between curiosity and aliveness. Without it how would you learn to create the life you love and aspire to? Affirmation: I will never be "cured" of my curiosity!"


Living Dolls Inc. Living Dolls Inc. is a warm place to exchange thoughts and feelings about our daily lives. The focus of the company is to help women take the steps needed to learn how to Live Life to the Fullest. The full function of the company involves seminars, coaching, incubators, a place to work (office) while you plan your future with an advisory board and more.

May 27, 2010 at 8:06pm

Living Dolls Inc. Celebrate Memorial Day by honoring the women and men who have died for us and honorably served our country. Peace be with you & yours on this day of remembrance & honor. ♥

Memorial Day was started after the Civil War to honor the soldiers who died. The day was originally called Decoration Day for the tradition of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers. Today the decoration of graves still lives on in memory of those who serve

Dolls! I just spent some time with a woman that has a thought for us dollfriends: it is up to us to make the statement as to who we are..if you rely on someone to tell you things like: "you are fat - you are beautiful - you are smart/dumb- etc. It is such a waste of life. We should decide who we are and challenge the rest - (If it is to be it is up to ME) Thanks MEG.
June 3, 2010 at 9:38pm

Living Dolls Inc. “The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.” —Max Lerner
(1902-1992); journalist
........and sometimes it takes more time than you want but you know that you have the power to overcome anything that makes you cry. Tears happen for a reason......once done they now allow you to see things more clearly!

June 7, 2010 at 9:56am

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Resilience. The ability to work with adversity in such a way that one comes through it unharmed or even better for the experience. Resilience means facing life’s difficulties with courage and patience – refusing to give up. It is the quality of character that allows a woman to rebound from misfortune,... hardships and traumas. Affirmation: I am strong and full of courage as I am woman. This life is mine and I will remain unharmed and better for my challenging experiences.


Living Dolls Inc. “A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Living Dolls Inc. Today marks the history of many young minds as they flip their tassels and toss their hats in the air, while celebrating life's challenges accomplished. We praise them as we look upon the children of the future, all the while knowing in our hearts, that it is with great triumph that we have traveled together on this wo...ndrous journey.

The freedom felt today is liberating as much as it saddening. For today, our children become children of the world. May their travels unite them with a safe and satisfying destination filled with love, hope and prosperity. May the families that love & support them be blessed by knowing the difference this world will experience because their children are here.

Congratulations Class of 2010. You are the change we have been waiting for...

Living Dolls Inc. The H factor. Happiness - what makes you happy? Most of us have been through harder times in the last couple of years than we expected. We have lost our retirements, properties, jobs, self esteem, and in many cases our relationships. While talking to many people about this, my main question has been - "What makes You h...appy?" This was difficult for many but, the ones that had answers, they were simple - kids, picnics, laughing with friends, peace, beauty. Affirmation: I will take the time today to write 10 things that make me happy and schedule them into my life.

Living Dolls Inc. Yesterday's posts pointed out that the things that make most of us happy are simple - Love, Companionship of family and friends and pets, adventure, down time, cooking, shopping and entertainment. My question today is: How do you keep your H factor high within yourself? Suggestion: re-read your H list from yesterday an...d add your own personal H goals - what makes you happy without relying on others...just you and your deepest needs.

Living Dolls Inc. Ten things that make this Doll's H-factor soar: 1. Life - figuring it out 2. Deep Conversations with anyone 3. Dreaming: any dream will do 4. Music: thank goodness for Ipod 5. Reading: mysteries, biography’s, Eat Pray Love, deep self discovery and OHenry 6. Being surrounded by people - all types of people 7. Driving fa...st 8. Sunshine, water and sand 9. Working hard 10. Girlfriends to giggle with ♥ ♥ ♥ Other things - 11. a quiet house at the end of the day with everyone where they should be - worry free 12. Painting with watercolors 13. Photography 14. Cooking 15. Planting flowers - hands in the earth 16. Remembering where I came from (thinking about my family) 17. Security in knowing that things happen in God's time 18. Steam baths 19. Swimming in a lake 20. Thinking about True Love.

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Growing Pains. Life is so exciting when you make up your mind to do something new - we are filled with anticipation and hope while we plan out how our new life will be. Just remember, there are always growing pains. Most of us set our expectations so high that they are seldom met and we are left filled... with fear and self doubt. Affirmation: I will learn to embrace my life's adventure and accept the path that it takes to unfold.

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Unworthiness. It is abusive to the self to work too much, keep so busy that there is no time for me, or, be so busy taking care of others that we do nothing to nurture our souls. It is also self abusive to be so involved with what is around you that you loose all sense of self. Affirmation: I realize t...hat self abuse is not healthy for me and I will open myself to what is right for me. Starting now - I will take the time to nurture myself and explore my personal life options.


Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: I talked at length with a woman that at one time in her life found herself at crossroads. The decision was to either end a loveless marriage or continue on with her dutiful life. The advice that was given to her was, "no matter what you choose - there will be a death of some kind... the death of a marriage, the death of a dream or the death of a soul. She decided to let her soul live and both parties are very happy today.

Living Dolls Inc. It's Wednesday and we have a fabulous weekend ahead of us. Smile Dolls & Live Life to the Fullest! ♥

Living Dolls Inc. ♥♥♥ Today is National "Tell Her She's Stunning and Beautiful" day. Pass this on to any woman you think deserves to be told she's beautiful. Let's see how many of our friends know what a true beauty she really is. ♥♥♥

Living Dolls Inc. ♥♥ Thought: Sisters.... If you have been fortunate enough to have grown up with a sister (or best friend), you understand the deep commitment of sisterhood. As children we fought over possessions, rules of the game, and who's the boss - as young adults we fought over possessions, rules of the game, and who's the boss o...f the children, and as mature women ...... we hold so tightly to the memory of the fight. Thank you God for blessing me with my sisters!

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Etiquette. Today's lifestyle is so fast paced. We eat fast foods while driving our cars between appointments - text our friends or leave thank you notes of facebook and as a member of many organizations, I know first hand that not too many of us take the time to RSVP our monthly events. This review of ...etiquette is good for all of us! Affirmation: I always treat others the ways I would like to be treated, with kindness and respect.

Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: A very beautiful mature woman sat next to me at an art exhibit the other night and as I watched her admire the beautiful painting of a young woman her eyes filled with tears. My mind raced with reasons for her sadness ranging from missed youth to lost children and a wish for more collagen. Finally I asked... her why the stream of tears and she said simply - (you finish)

July 7, 2010 at 11:07am

Living Dolls Inc. “Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.” —Louisa May Alcott
(1832-1888); Novelist

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: Energy. How's your energy level? One of the best ways to increase your energy level is through a regular exercise program. Activity uses up adrenaline. If it isn't used, it saps energy and decreases the efficiency of the heart. Exercise is one way to fill yourself with energy - Affirmation: I am healthy, energetic, peaceful, happy, and enthusiastic about life.

Living Dolls Inc. Life: it is true that one day you will look at your hands and see your mothers, you will find hair growing in strange places, and (alas) you will get life lines on your face and knees and elbows. The good news: You made it here sister and you are not alone ♥

Living Dolls Inc. Today’s Thought: Mark Twain said, “Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Just when you think you have your life on the right path – you get your next life lesson delivered at your front door. They never seem to arrive when we have the time for them – they just show u...p! These challenges are our backbone and if we embrace them we will be rewarded with a life that is rich with meaning and value. Affirmation: I will embrace my life and when a new lesson is delivered I will open the package with eagerness and joy as if it is my birthday….. after all it is a new birth within♥♥

Living Dolls Inc. Today's Thought: It is so easy to let "Life" take over our life - it's like living inside a tornado with the world rushing past on the outside as you have your head down working your way through your daily job, home, and responsibilities. The day will come when you realize that you forgot to take care of yourself and y......ears have passed by. Stop - evaluate and slow down for you. Affirmation: Starting today, I will make plans to take time to "Live my Life to the Fullest"!

Living Dolls Inc. Louise Hay Study:
She writes about change. Not in others but the in ourselves which leads to changing our lives. She teaches us to rearrange our thoughts and beliefs so that we are empowered to "Live Life to the Fullest". Suggestion: Get the book "You Can Heal Your Life" and the companion workbook, "Love Yourself, Heal Your Life". Affirmation: Starting today I will work hard to become all that I can be while loving and respecting myself.

Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: Having an ice tea with a very savvy woman yesterday and she stated that she feels overwhelmed with life in general. The daily grind is so much harder these days, children grown, and tired of worrying about her looks - trying to stay young and in shape. I asked her, " What are the top three things that yo...u love about your life?" She replied: Working, Working out, and hanging with her grown children. Go figure.

Living Dolls Inc. Topic: Attitude. Have you noticed the change in people since we have gone into the summer months? We (as a nation) have been hit hard financially, physically, and mentally during this downturn in the economy. But somehow - someway, the sunshine has helped up put these issues on the back burner and has blessed us with happiness and confidence. The secret: We can decide how our day, week, life, relationships, personal health will go - just check your attitude as you put your feet on the floor in the morning.

Living Dolls Inc. Insight: Can Friendship Last Forever? While talking with my insightful friend last night, the conversation stumbled on the subject of friendship - particularly men/women relationships. Why is it that you can be so close to someone, (you know everything about each other),then one day someone walks out the door and the n...ext time you see him/her it's like you are complete strangers? Remember your first boyfriend? You did everything together, eat - study - hangout - talk on the phone every minute you were apart - plan life's adventures and the day that it was over somehow all memories of that partner were wiped out. Have you had a friendship last forever?

Living Dolls Inc. Thought: How big of an impact would that stranger you just passed on the street have made on your life if you had made eye contact???
Passing stranger!
you do not know how longingly I look upon you,
You must be he I was seeking, or she I was seeking, (it comes to me
as of a dream,)
... I have somewhere surely lived a life of joy with you,
All is recalled as we flit by each other, fluid, affectionate,
chaste, matured,
You grew up with me, were a boy with me or a girl with me,
I ate with you and slept with you, your body has become not yours
only nor left my body mine only,
You give me the pleasure of your eyes, face, flesh, as we pass, you
take of my beard, breast, hands, in return,
I am not to speak to you, I am to think of you when I sit alone or
wake at night alone,
I am to wait, I do not doubt I am to meet you again,
I am to see to it that I do not lose you(."To a Stranger" by Walt Whitman)

Living Dolls Inc. Dolls, I found this little book sitting on a lace covered end table next to my friend that has just turned 90. I found the first passage so moving that it must be passed on - Come with me to a quiet place all by yourself and rest for a while - Mark 6:30


Living Dolls Inc. September 2010 Glamour Magazine - Would you be Friends with You? Answer these questions and leave a comment (please). 1. Would you pick up your own call? 2. Would you meet you for lunch in the rain? 3. Would you shop for a swimsuit with you? 4. Would you be happy if you got a new boyfriend? To further your quest into friendship, here is another question for you! How far would you go for a friend? Let's hear it Doll friends!


Living Dolls Inc. Thought: Can men and women be "just friends," or is sexual attraction between the sexes always inevitable?

Living Dolls Inc. Doll Thought: It all starts with the voice inside. Your inner voice is always sending you messages, positive and negative. Take the time to listen and once your clearly hear what you are saying to yourself you can take control. Be your biggest cheerleader, lover, friend, and boss. Today’s Affirmation: I am in charge of my thoughts.



Living Dolls Inc. Doll Thought: Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life. - Ann Landers Affirmation: I like being a classy woman, I... am a classy woman, I attract class in my life.

Living Dolls Inc. Today’s thought: Rise above your circumstances. Your life can be turned around when you believe deeply that your circumstances are not who you are. When you believe that you are more important than any of your problems, you are on the road to recovery. It takes courage – the courage that lies deep within – to stand str...ong against your fears and doubts. Remember that you are in control and the time to live fully is today!

Living Dolls Inc. Thought:"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe.

Living Dolls Inc. Met a women today that was with child and told me about her family. She comes from a family of 8 children - all from the same Mom and Dad. The unusual thing is - the parents got divorce 6 years before the 8th child was born. The Mother had not had a relationship in all of the years prior to running into the ex-hubby in... a bar ( of which she really had no time to frequent) and had a one niter with him, 9 months later the 8th child was born!!! Question: was it meant to be??



Living Dolls Inc. Thought: It is common for a woman to get out of sinc. We start thinking too much about our personal lives, loves, wants, needs, looks and start to feel desperately lost. It is part of living a full life. How do you help yourself out of this funk? Girlfriends, work, or just move on to the next thing?



Living Dolls Inc. There is no doubt that when using the law of attraction for the good of everyone,you are connecting yourself to great power. However,the law is also available to you individually so that you may live your life to the fullest.When you live your life to the fullest you have so much more to give others.Thought:Your pain a...nd misery does not help the world. But your joy and your life lived fully uplifts the world. May the joy be with you (Rhonda Byrne)


Living Dolls Inc. Thought:Teens turning into adults. Many young adults are living at home while they do their first two years of college within the community as we work our way through this economic crunch. It's hard on us Mothers that have taken care of our little darlings all these years to change our mind set from child to adult.They... want to be loved, (cooked for, picked up after, praised and hugged), but they also want to be left alone to grow up. Driving you crazy? Suggestion: If you are a working Mother:take a one day a week breakfast meeting with your child in a local coffee shop that is wireless and serves breakfast. Point: On mutual ground and open atmosphere your conversations begin to flow like friends instead of Mother and Child.Your relationship will take on a new importance as grownups. Share your ideas!


Living Dolls Inc. Affirmation: I accept all my feelings as part of myself. Ever wake up in the morning and feel so down on yourself because you let it be known how you feel about a situation or incident? Just remember, the emotions that came forth were for a reason - it was you being you. Love yourself enough to accept everything about you♥♥♥♥



Living Dolls Inc. Life: When you lay your head to rest, can you look back on your day and determine whether you lived it or did you just live it? As you check those days off of your calendar, remember there are no do overs. Thought: Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain.


Living Dolls Inc. Thought: Women today seldom take time to think things through. Life is moving so quickly especially when you are running a household, raising children and working a job. Suggestion: set a designated time once a week (or daily) to write you thoughts, memories and dreams in a journal. It is an
inexpensive way to keep your life on track and it will give you a place to re-live the days gone by.


Living Dolls Inc. Affirmation: What others think of me is their choice, what I think of myself is my choice! Thought: Never give others the power to make you think down on yourself. Remember, you are in control of who you are and who you will be in the future.



Living Dolls Inc. Taking time to relax: how long has it been since you have enjoyed a day of relaxation? Idea: schedule a mini-vacation. Pack the car for a day trip and head out for local destinations like festivals, parks, art galleries, town center, Zoo, waterfront, library, or explore a neighboring city. Share your ideas for a one day vacation.


Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: Met with a beautiful woman in her late 50's the other night and when she was ready to leave she said, "if you don't listen to your path of life calling you - you will miss it all together. There are constant signs telling you which way to go and if your heart is closed some of your greatest opportunities ...will be passed by". Affirmation: I will open my heart so that I may hear my many choices in life.


Living Dolls Inc. Question: When making heavy decisions, how do you handle the rest of your life? It is so all consuming while you are responsible for a career, family, friends, everything that is connected to your daily life. What are some steps you take when trying to accomplish all of these life issues ?????????????


Living Dolls Inc. I've never tried to block out the memories of the past, even though some are painful. I don't understand people who hide from their past. Everything you live through helps to make you the person you are now. Sophia Loren



Living Dolls Inc. Thought: Life Changes. When it seems that life is becoming overwhelming, take a minute and count your blessings. 1.You have a life 2.You have a circle of people that love you 3.You have been to this rodeo before and guess what? You are here to tell about it. Affirmation: I can handle whatever is thrown into my path of life for everything happens for a reason. I love myself.


Living Dolls Inc. Sometimes we don't recognize how quickly our lives are changing and it is hard to accept the new day that has been set before us. Affirmations: I accept change. I accept who I am with joy. I accept others for what they are. I can accept myself for who I am.



Living Dolls Inc. Topic: Reinvention. We all dream of what we would like to be when we grow up but for one reason or another we never get around to perusing the dream. I suggest that we all take a minute and revisit the thought of reinvention. Here are a few tips to get back on track. 1. make a list of things that interest you 2. nurture your thoughts by taking quiet time to picture yourself as the center of your interests 3. Set a schedule to plan your ideas. Set up your special work area, add a cup of tea, magazine articles, laptop, and start writing your reinvention plan one day at a time.



Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: While talking with the matriarch of Living Dolls Inc. (my 89 year old Mother) last week, she shared these words of wisdom: Never let anyone make you feel guilty for anything - your heart will let you know when it's time to make amends". Affirmation: I am who I am...my heart will lead my path to a guilt free life.



Living Dolls Inc. Thought: Have you ever been in a room full of people and feel like you're alone? You're mind keeps wondering off to somewhere completely different from the place that your body resides? Some call this dissociation and others call it soul traveling - I call it a boring party!



Living Dolls Inc. I overheard a couple of 20 something women talking while sitting in Starbucks the other day - they were making out their plastic surgery to do lists.....Really? 20 somethings need to alter their young, collagen ridden bodies?? Maybe they should study this photo a little more!



Living Dolls Inc. Moving on: You have a choice in life. You can choose to live your life looking out the window and wishing things to be different - or - you
can step outside and let life show you the path to "Living Life to the


Living Dolls Inc. The beauty of a woman Is not in the clothes she wears, The figure that she carries, Or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman Must be seen from her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woma...n Is not a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman Is reflected in her soul. It is the caring she lovingly gives, The Passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman with passing years -- only grows and grows ~ The Beauty Of A Women by Ardem



Living Dolls Inc. “Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.” This is a Swedish Proverb that I can remember hearing as a young woman. It wasn't until I matured that the power of this statement sunk in. Now when I look at people, I take a minute to wonder - "Is this person in need of my love? What can I do to... help them learn to "Live Life to the Fullest".



Living Dolls Inc. The last day of November brings thought of the Christmas traditions. I remember when I was a young girl how I was always filled with
anticipation of what would take place over the next month in our
household. Mom being the traditionalist, had a sequence of events that
would lead up to the big day. The first sign of the... holiday season would
be when Mom would put aprons on all of us and we would begin making
fudge. Not just any fudge - Mrs. See's Fudge! After the candy was set we
would painstakingly wrap each 1 inch square in aluminum foil and box it
all up to send to our brothers and their units that were serving in the
Navy overseas. I continue the tradition even though we have no active
duty military in our family anymore. Question: What is your holiday
tradition or memory??



Today's Thought: Keeping your energy flowing. As we move through our lives that are filled with personal energy peaks and valleys, we often reach a plateau of auto pilot. This can affect your personal relationships, work, and how you react to life in general. We need to be aware of what we love in life in order to keep... our good energy peaking. Affirmation: I will take the time to revisit what it is that "turns me on" emotionally so that I can implement it into my daily life. I love my life and want to feel it fully.

Living Dolls Inc. Observation: Friends and the Holidays. The end of the year is a time to reflect on the choices you made during the last 360 days. More often than not, during the Christmas Holiday we try to send each of our friends a card to tell them we are thankful that they are in our lives. The problem is, we are usually too hurried to do a good job of it. Affirmation: This year I will take the time to spend quality time with those that I hold so dear as to call them "friends".

Living Dolls Inc. Thought: Making choices. Often we forget that each day of our lives is just that, a day. If you choose to sleepwalk through it - it is a day lost. If you choose to conscientiously "Live" it, you will have fewer regrets when you are unable to make that choice. Affirmation: I am not afraid that my life will end - I am afraid that I have not 'Lived it to the Fullest".

Living Dolls Inc. Observation: Holiday fun. As we barrel into the Christmas holiday, I have seen many groups of women celebrating the season out on the town. It is heartwarming and alarming at the same time when you look closely at the behavior going on in the various groups. While waiting for my car at the valet, a group of about 6 came out of the restaurant singing carols as happy as could be. Next there was a group of about the same size, that staggered out while fighting and using bad language and expecting everyone around to accept their behavior. Question: Is it our responsibility to keep the atmosphere respectful of others when in public? Do we have the right to make others feel uncomfortable while in our presence?

Living Dolls Inc. Conversation: A woman, (age 6?), and her Mother, (age 90), were having a conversation while attending a holiday party - Mom: "Honey not too much butter, you know I am watching my figure". Daughter: "Yes Mom I know, I have to hold back tonight too. I need to fit into that New Year's dress" ....... Conclusion: A woman ha...s the age she deserves.-Coco Chanel

Living Dolls Inc. Thought: There are days when our inner child just will not behave. It is those days that we must believe that we are worth all the love in the world and take the time to sooth our deepest thoughts. Affirmation: I will begin and end each day with positive, loving talk directed to myself.

Living Dolls Inc. Thought: The little girl in all of us. I took several courses from Louise Hay many years ago and got so much out of them. The idea that we should think about ourselves as having our "little girl" living inside of us has always stayed with me. We are to remember her when we are tempted to drink too much, disrespect ours...elves or neglect to treat our bodies like a temple. Affirmation: I will no longer mistreat or criticize my inner child - instead I will fill her with the much needed love to make myself whole and complete.

Living Dolls Inc. Thought: Personal Happiness. Each day brings us a mixture of challenges and conquests of which we have no control. It is important to stay balanced within ourselves by being thankful that we can choose happiness as our center. When you wake up in the morning conscientiously say to yourself, "I am happy and will remain ...happy throughout this day" and you will be amazed at the difference it will make in your life. Embrace yourself with compassion and believe that you deserve happiness.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy practice compassion." This is a quote from the Dalai Lama.



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