Etiquette - still important in today's world?
Return calls and answer letters promptly. You should be sure to return all calls within forty-eight hours and letters within two weeks. If you cannot respond within that time - hire someone to do it for you!
Telephone etiquette. When you call someone and another call beeps in, ignore it. You made the call, so you should give it priority. Be respectful of a person's schedule and obligations when choosing a time to call.
Know how and when to apologize. Always make your apology as soon as possible after the event. Some acts require only a spoken apology, others require a spoken and written apology, and some require much more.
Write thank you notes for gifts, favors, meals,or any acts of kindness, Also write notes to encourage, congratulate, and commiserate.
RSVP within one week to a invitations. Go to an event when you have accepted and call ahead if you can't make it. If you accept and call ahead if you can't make it. If you accept an invitation and then fail to attend, call or write to apologize.
Watch your table manners. This can't be stressed enough. Do not leave your dirty napkin on the table when you excuse yourself during a meal, leave it on your chair instead. Wipe your mouth frequently. When finished, move your fork and knife to the right-hand rim of the plate and sit up straight.
Today's lifestyle is so fast paced. We eat fast foods while driving our cars between appointments - text our friends or leave thank you notes of facebook and as a member of many organizations, I know first hand that not too many of us take the time to RSVP our monthly events. This review of etiquette is good for all of us!
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