What did you say?

Thought: Speaking in public can be tricky, just ask a politician these days. The words can be interpreted in many way - depending on the individual(s) you are speaking with. Take for instance, a person that started their day on the positive,  she may only see the beauty of her ride into the office and the person that started their day on the negative can only see the potholes, rain, bad drivers etc. Without knowing how each person in your area started their day, we need to be careful how we put our thoughts out in front of everyone ~ especially when it can be taken personally. A sentence like, "this refrigerator is a mess" can be taken as "it's always my burden to clean this box out" or "I'm feeling a bit guilty because I have not cleaned up my stuff in the fridge".
See the difference?
Affirmation: I see people through my heart and do not judge them. It is up to me to filter my thoughts before I speak and filter what I hear so that my spirit can continue to grow in the positive.

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