Living Dolls Inc
Can men and women be "just friends," or is sexual attraction between the sexes always inevitable?
 You know "that guy" around the office or at the gym that you can't wait to see because the two of you have hit it off so well that your world is now wrapped around his phone calls, text messages, coffee and cocktail dates? The two of you feel like your soul mates. You agree on almost everything and you feel like together you can accomplish anything - - - sounding familiar? 
 It happens all the time. You start out as interesting friends, "you get" each other, the next thing you know you are having those secret what if thoughts. . . What if we could spend our lives together as a couple - "Wouldn't it be great to have a partner that is actually your soul mate"? You can imagine the two of you spending long hours at work, long hours at play and long hours laying in bed! 
 The question: Can you outlive the 90 day cycle? The peak, the rush, the first ninety days of the romance that continually fills your heart with light? Or can you remain friends without bringing love into it? 
 After all, Men and Women were placed on this earth to procreate! Can you keep the sexual/love feelings out of the situation and remain in a platonic relationship with the opposite sex? Hmmmmmmmmm.

Come with me to a quiet place .............................

Come away from your work, your family, your homemaking, your ministry, your friends. Even more, come away from your fears and your worries, your roles and your masks, your planning and doing.
  Jesus is inviting you to come away to rest in God's love for some time each day. The gifts God will give to you in prayer will touch the rest of your day with the special peace that  only God can give.

   Whether your belief is related to God, Buddha, the universal energy or the earth - you can agree on the words that were written in this book that my elderly friend has lived by for  the past 90 years !

Personal time/Personal Love.

Personal Time Management Guide

Have you been trying to improve your time management skills or overall personal effectiveness? Do you feel like you are still missing some key details? If so, we've got something for you. This personal time management guide is dedicated to building a stronger foundation for your success. One skill at a time.
Each article or section below is an important building block you can put into your foundation right now. Take one of the pages and read it: you will gain the key insights and practical tips for one of the core areas of higher personal effectiveness. Take another page and do the same. Each article will move you one step forward in something that could be undermining your performance today.
That something could be your skills and abilities to
or some of the many other aspects of personal time management, with their related problems and solutions. If you don't see directly what you are looking for, you can also search through all our pages. Below you can go through short summaries of the key sections of this site. Of course, you may want to start from the time management topic that feels most pressing to you today. Yet, do not narrow your vision too much: pay attention to other related subjects and resources here as well. Your main source of problems or your major breakthrough may still be hiding in your blind spot.

For a complete guide go to the following link-

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